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nike product design
                                  & campaign



Sneak peek at some of oUR DESIGNS

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Check out the whole campaign below

The Ask (SCAD and NIKE)

For the first time in history, skateboarding will be integrated into the Games. Nike SB has an opportunity to launch and design a new product line and integrated campaign for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. The challenge is to deliver an authentic message on a global platform that will resonate with skateboarding culture, the Games, and the world.

Our Team

Our Branding solutions class developed a product line of skateboards & shoes in addition to an integrated campaign.This campaign was to take place during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

Kudos to the team-

Sam Oduro, Sam Napoli, Taylor Lewis

Sonia Sayani, Maria Tamayo, Meredith Phillips

Dayna Edmonds, Shreya Srinivasan, Deeksha Biddappa, Thuy "Quinn" Pham, Yuan "Coco" Chan

Some research before our ideas

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  • The 2020 Tokyo Olympic vision is that “sport has the power to change the world and our future.

  • This emphasizes three core concepts: striving for a personal best, accepting one another, and passing on a legacy for the future.

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  • Japan has a respectful, community-minded culture.

  • Japan honors old tradition and takes pride in rituals.

  • Legacy and mastery are highly valued.

  • The Satori Sedai are the enlightened generations focused on being self-aware and finding essential truths about life.


  • Nike’s motto is to “bring inspiration to
    every athlete in the world.” 

  • Nike is internationally recognized for performance and tenacity—and that reflects in all they do. Like past Games, the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo place Nike on a powerful, international stage for new global opportunities.

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  • There’s a rebel stereotype entangled in skateboarding.

  • Since its beginning in the 50s, skateboarding has slowly spread across the world.

  • It was first recognized as a sport through the ’95 ESPN X-Games.

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Insights & Target Audience

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Organising Idea

The Games are a symbol of mastery and tradition. In 1894, when the Games began, their motto of Citius, Altius, Fortius inspired athletes to master their sport. 

  • In the spirit of encompassing tradition, we bring to light the original motto. As skateboarders enter the Games for the first time, they create a new tradition.
  • Japanese culture has a legacy of honoring tradition, and passing on this mindset through the generations.

  • Through the name of our shoe, we wanted to encompass old traditions and new beginnings in light of the upcoming Tokyo 2020 Games.

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Big Idea


The tenacity embodied in the Shokunin mindset is one fixed on becoming a master of one’s passions. To be a warrior is to be shokunin, it is a way of life.

It is setting goals to the highest standard, and being dedicated to the victory.

Through the stages of shokunin, warriors follow a ritual path, a journey to victory.


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Altius encompasses the long tradition of the Games. Skateboarders can resonate with Altius because they
desire to rise to a challenge. In Japanese culture, people strive to not only outperform competition but also to outperform themselves. This mindset of mastery relates strongly to the motto of the Games, and the skateboarding mindset.

  • Inspire skaters to dream higher

  • Enable skaters to reach the pinnacle of their sport by giving them the tools to enhance their performance

  • Give skateboarders a global platform to tell their story




For Altius, we embraced Nike’s current bold branding and we also aim to incorporate Japanese culture. The treatment of the font and layout resemble Japanese traditional block characters while creating a bold and straight-forward statement that represents Japan, Skateboard culture, and Nike.


Mood Board / Visual Direction

Tool Kit



The Altius samurai is a warrior who aspires to reach Shokunin. Like anyone seeking Shokunin,

the samurai builds and cultivates his mastery in stages.


Here, the samurai’s pose is grounded and balanced and a mountain is seen in the background. These elements indicate preparedness, stability, and balance; the warrior focuses on his challenge and prepares for it. 

Here, the emphasis is placed on the sun rising in the sky, symbolizing the challenge or the goal presenting itself.


Here, the samurai stands in a sea of harsh waves, symbolizing strength, the battle, and his hard-earned resilience. 

And so we created a product line

How is Altius Different?

The chips in the shoes and skateboard can measure the velocity, speed and height of a trick. The results can be tracked on the Nike app. Together this is what every skater dreams of owning, the comfort and support of the original dunk as well as new technology to enhance performance.

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What Shokunin means too Nike?

The Japanese concept of Shokunin has been part of Nike‘s identity from the start—apparent in

their 5 steps of a Nike champion. The Shokunin activation allows consumers to experience this

feeling of being a champion and of mastering performance. Mastery is a challenging achievement,

so Nike shares the joy of that achievement with the world—ultimately offering consumers the inspiration

and the shoe technology to go out and reach higher. As part of the activation, Nike will provide exclusively designed SB shoes and merchandise available for purchase after experiencing the feeling

of mastery.

The Integrated Campaign

We broke down Nike's 5 emotional stages and created an experience that takes you through a skater's journey.

  • Acknowledge the Challenge

  • In the Zone

  • Doubt & Suffering

  • Rededication

  • Victory

Documentary about Leticia Bufoni

An example of what our VR experience would look like

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 Feel free to contact me for more details about the campaign

This deck is for viewing purposes only. We do not own all footage. Contact for more information.

Please do not attempt to make copies without consent.

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